You know that if you are using Blogger, a giant blogging platform, supports mobile template. That allows the visitor to view the blog posts in Mobile compatible blogger template. We can activate mobile template and it will show mobile template on mobile devices.First of all activate mobile template, to activate it just go to Blogger Dashboard > Template. and enable mobile template.

If the mobile template is enabled and somebody visits your blog using Mobile devices like Android, iPhone. The template automatically changes to Mobile Template. But in some cases if the Template doesn't changes or the visitor wants to switch to desktop or mobile view how is it possible? Yeah, sure it is possible. 

Look at the picture or at the top of this page for demo!

How To Add?

To enable mobile and desktop version switcher we can add a simple drop down box that will have the options to select which view is to be displayed. This can be done easily by adding the below code to the HTML/JavaScript Widget. 
<select onchange='document.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex]. value;'> 
<option value=""/>Change Page View 
<option value="/?m=1" />Mobile View 
<option value="/?m=0" />Desktop View 
select {color:#fff; background-color:#6A5B77;border:4px solid #6A5B77;cursor: hand;cursor: pointer;width:100%} 
Now save HTML/Javascript. Now you can see a drop-down box widget which allows readers to switch between Desktop or Mobile View. 

How is it? isn't it useful for you? If you found this small widget useful for you, it might help your friends also, so share it with your friends. If you face any problem while adding this widget, please feel free to drop your problem using new comment box below. Peace, Happy Blogging.

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